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Browse the topics below. Save 1-2 questions to your favorites so you can talk about them with your healthcare provider.
Birth Control
Gender & Sexuality
Sexual Wellness
What should I expect when my body is growing?
How often do I need a check-up?
Does masturbation have side effects?
What are my options for managing my period?
Is there a way to manage painful cramps or irregular periods?
What does it mean to express the way I feel if it is different than the body I was born with?
What is non-binary gender?
What should I do if I want to affirm my gender?
What is hormone therapy and what can it do for me?
How do I know who I am attracted to?
How do I talk to people in my life about my gender and sexuality?
What does it mean if a person has pain, odor, burning, or discharge from their vagina or penis?
What is a pap smear versus a pelvic exam?
What is a testicular exam versus a genital exam?
What is a chest or breast exam and when do I need one?
What is an orgasm?
What do I do if I had an uncomfortable sexual experience?
Which birth control may be right for me or my partner(s)?
Can I use birth control for other reasons?
What should I do if I am experiencing side effects from my birth control?
How much does birth control cost and how do I pay for it?
How do I get and use external condoms?
How do I get and use internal condoms?
How effective is pulling out (withdrawal method) for preventing STIs, STDs, and pregnancy?
What is emergency contraception and how do I get it?
What is an abortion?
When can someone get pregnant?
What are my options if I get pregnant?
How do I get and use a pregnancy test?
How can I prevent STIs and STDs?
How can I get tested and treated for STIs and STDs?
How can I prevent HIV?
What is HPV and when should I get vaccinated for it?
How are STIs and STDs spread from person to person?
What if I am feeling sad, depressed, angry, stressed or anxious?
What should I do if I am having negative feelings about my body or appearance?
What should I do if I am using alcohol or other drugs?
What should I do if I am having suicidal thoughts or thinking of hurting myself or others?
What is trauma and what should I do if I need to talk about a traumatic experience?
What should I do if I don't have stable housing or am homeless?
What should I do if I don't have access to regular meals?
How do I know if my relationship is healthy or unhealthy?
How can I manage pressure to have physical or sexual contact?
What is the legal age of consent?
How do I talk to my partner(s) about consent?
How do I talk to my partner(s) about birth control and safe sex?